
About Human Productivity  Solutions... 

Diane Blumenson is a nationally recognized Human Productivity Consultant, providing high performance strategies and solutions to individuals and organizations.  Serving clients with over fifteen years of consulting experience, Diane has developed techniques that derive from her extensive expertise in business, counseling, and neurolinguistic technology. 

Skillfully providing motivational executive coaching, leadership and team development programs, Diane empowers her clients to generate increased productivity through mission-dedicated actions and decisions.  She has been called upon by entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporate executives to transform their organizations through enhanced organization design, cultural change management, team effectiveness, and strategic workflow.  Rather than relying on programmed offerings, solutions and services are formulated to accommodate each client’s unique needs.  Diane’s dedication to her relationships with clients not only provides a basis for trust and caring, but provides her with the in-depth understanding of individual and culturally-motivated behaviors that she employs to empower her clients with winning strategies and key capabilities.  

Author of numerous news columns and journal articles, and Co-author of "Working and Liking It" , Ms. Blumenson has been a featured television and radio guest throughout the country.  She has provided services to a wide scope of organizations in the public and private sector, for profits and non-profits, including: Millipore, Global Logistic Technologies, Benchmarking Partners, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Children's Hospital Trust, Boston Symphony Orchestra,, Partners Healthcare Systems, Massachusetts Commission Against Tobacco, Northeastern University, INTTRA, Rockport Trade Systems, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, New England Baptist Hospital, Lifespan Healthcare, MSPCA, Phillips Academy Andover, and others.  The hallmark of her work is the continuous development of techniques that access intrinsic motivation and develop high performing leaders and teams. Diane Blumenson is a Certified Executive Coach.

